
Posted on Dec 11, 2020

That’s a collection of the books I recommend. They helped me in becoming a better professional, hope it’ll be the same for you!

Effective JavaScript

This book will give you a deeper understanding of JavaScript, a needed step before diving into TypeScript!

Effective TypeScript

Authored from Dan Vanderkam, this book is focused on TypeScript and like all the other “Effective” books, it’s a trip between 60+ examples on how to master this fantastic language. Recommended, definetely!

Essential Angular

Victor and Jeff are two Angular core contributors and their book is a concise, complete overview of the key aspects of the framework. It’s a strong foundation for beginners that even experienced devs can find useful!

Node.js Design Patterns

Mario and Luciano are two experienced engineers and their book is becoming a must-have for Node.js developers! It’s not a short-read: many things are discussed, but you can get a free part to prove that it’s a must-have!

RxJS Book

ReactiveX (aka RxJS in the JavaScript world) is known for being hard to learn. Chris has done a great job in writing this book, which walks through all points and leaves you with a clear understanding of the reactive approach with Rx!