Creative. Problem solver. Perfectionist. Coder since 8 yo. Always on the run!


4 months gone. I mean four months since the beginning of the year. Since then I’m fully focused on the engineering side of Smart People: a medium-sized marketing company, operating in Italy. I mentioned that in the previous post, without going too much into the details. Time to do that right now! What? When I was a freelance, Smart People was one of my favourite clients. I met them in 2017.…
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2021 in a retrospective

Last hours of the year. Time to reflect on these months. I learnt a lot of things in 2021. That’s really important: you’ve to move if you want to move on. If things change - hopefully in the right direction - then you’re doing a good job. The family is growing and our baby is moving his first steps in these days! But we lost some others. Now it’s time to keep pushing on the good things who lived before us teached to us.…
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How Mutagen changed my life

I’m running some containers on my Mac: it’s a great way to play around and get ready for my new challenge - more to come in the next months! Anyway, I noticed that sometimes it’s really slow especially compared to the native environments. In particular PHP apps are performing really bad. After googling a bit I found that it’s a known issue: keeping filesystems in sync it’s always a pain.…
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