Creative. Problem solver. Perfectionist. Coder since 8 yo. Always on the run!

Trim on Blur

Your Angular application is asking for some data to the user. There you’ve some fields, with some of them under validation. You could have a mail address, or even a mobile phone number. Maybe you designed some regular expressions to address that need and they work as expected. But then a bug appears on your backlog. User reported that for some reason the validation has been triggered on a form. You’ll start investigating, but nothing seems to be wrong.…
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F8 to F5 in Chrome

Chrome is the browser I use on a daily basis. It’s there for plain browsing and it’s also my choice while working on my applications. I’m also used to run some debugging there: placing a breakpoint could be really helpful in some scenarios. In the early days of my coding experience, F5 was the key-driver of the debugging experience: stop or leave it running, this is its main purpose in this context.…
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Summer 2021

Hey, it has been a great summer! Lots of achievements on both personal and work life. I’m attending lots of LinkedIn Learning courses, thanks to a learning path I’ve been included in. I also got my first Microsoft Certification (it’s the AZ-900, nothing so exciting!) and I’m also planning to continue on this road. Maybe AZ-204 will be the next one! I’m trying to enhance the time I spend working and musicforprogramming replaced all the sounds I was used to listen while working: no playlists to look for, just press PLAY and start concentrating!…
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