Creative. Problem solver. Perfectionist. Coder since 8 yo. Always on the run!

Port forwarding in WSL2

One of the projects I’m contributing to is using a Windows development environment with WSL2. It’s great to have a Linux machine running seamlessly with the main OS! Apart from the DNS issue, I encountered another blocker: opening a port on Windows, so that Linux can connect to it. I need this to run the E2E tests, which are relying on Selenium to drive Chrome. Linux is running under an Hyper-V VM, connected through a virtual network.…
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Save your mind with shortcuts!

Your next project is running in the cloud. The workspace is full of microservices, a BFF and more than one Angular application. When working locally, you need a token to authenticate your locally running BFF against the API management layer. Later on you’ve a meeting, and you’d like to show your last change on your remote environment, just to avoid showing http://localhost:4200 on the address bar. That means deploying your changes: a lots of commands to authenticate, build the Docker images, push them on the remote registry, then…a lots of things to do!…
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Sit-standing, 6 months later

I’m working from home since December 2019, even before the spread of the virus. That was something I waited for some years, but then due to the pandemic situation the process (unfortunately) has been faster than expected. The initial setup was not so cool: an old desk with a red chair, just an easy starting point. After a few months I started to look around for a better solution. I spent a lot of time in defining a target and after assigning a budget, I finally moved to a sit-standing approach.…
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