Summer 2021

Posted on Aug 25, 2021

Lighthouse Punta Palascia

Hey, it has been a great summer! Lots of achievements on both personal and work life.

I’m attending lots of LinkedIn Learning courses, thanks to a learning path I’ve been included in. I also got my first Microsoft Certification (it’s the AZ-900, nothing so exciting!) and I’m also planning to continue on this road. Maybe AZ-204 will be the next one!

I’m trying to enhance the time I spend working and musicforprogramming replaced all the sounds I was used to listen while working: no playlists to look for, just press PLAY and start concentrating!

Notion replaced Trello: I heard about it few months ago while watching a video, but I finally found how to properly organize my boards and get an even better workspace on Notion!

In the end, it’s time to start new challenges. After a great summer, there will be an even more exciting beginning. Hope to see you soon, September!

The image on the top is coming from